
Minnesota Supreme Court By The Numbers:


Former prosecutor

Former public defender

Both a former prosecutor & civil rights lawyer

  • 7 total seats
  • 0 current vacancies
  • 3 prosecutors
  • 3 public defenders
  • 1 Justice is both a former prosecutor & civil rights lawyer
  • 0 Justices have other indigent defense experience
  • 1 civil rights lawyer

How Members of the Minnesota Supreme Court are Selected:

Nonpartisan Election

Judges are selected in nonpartisan elections to six-year terms. The top two contestants from primaries advance to a general election. In all elections, ballots indicate incumbency but not party affiliation. Interim selections to fill vacancies that occur between elections are made by governor appointment.

Selection method sources:

Ballotpedia, Judicial Election Methods By State; Brennan Center for Justice, Judicial Selection: An Interactive Map